Eczema & innovation


The key to our efficiency

Based on 2 exclusively patented technologies, the Eczema/Dermatitis range is a  major breakthrough for eczema prone skin : these products manage to increase exponentioly the abilities of  ingredients known to be harmless, wich allows them to be even more gentle and efficient. Also, the entire range of products has shown spectacular results in the long term, with no side effects on the skin or health.

Let’s have a little chat about innovation to explain all that

In this article:

& patents

Our scientists have imagined and developed ACTIVIFIQUE™CAPTURIFIQUE™, 2 exclusive, patented technologies, making the Eczema/Dermatitis range one of a kind!

Amplifies what nature does best for the skin

Protects the skin from metal allergens : Nickel, Chromium, Cobalt

amplifies what nature does best for your skin

ACTIVIFIQUE™ has allowed us to create a smart hydrating cream ! here’s how it’s done!

Why a smart cream ?

Because it understands and responds to the skins needs all day long!

How does it work?

ACTIVIFIQUE™, skintifiques exclusively patented technologie, understands and responds to the signals sent by the skin when it is dry or irritated : the hydrating and soothing agents are then progressively released when the skin needs them most, therefor enhancing their benefits to the treated area while maintaining optimal tolerance for the skin. 

Acting as a reservoir for active ingredients, ACTIVIFIQUE™ makes an exceptional concentration in Natural Glycerine possible : 2 to 6 times more than in standard hydrating creams. It’s thanks to this natural pool that the  Long lasting effects of the hydrating gel are made possible.

This way, by applying the Hydrating Gel in the evening or before bed, ACTIVIFIQUE™ guarantees that the skin will be sufficiently nourrished up to 24 hours.

ACTIVIFIQUE™ a permis de créer une crème hydratante intelligente. On vous explique !

Pourquoi crème intelligente ?

Parce qu’elle comprend les besoins de votre peau, tout au long de la journée.

Comment ça fonctionne ?

ACTIVIFIQUE™, technologie brevetée exclusive de Skintifique, interprète les signaux envoyés par votre peau quand elle est déshydratée ou irritée : les agents hydratants et apaisants sont libérés de manière progressive et seulement quand votre peau en a besoin, démultipliant ses bénéfices sur la zone traitée et assurant une très bonne tolérance de la peau. 

Agissant comme un réservoir pour les principes actifs, ACTIVIFIQUE™ rend possible une concentration exceptionnelle en Glycérine Végétale : 2 à 6x plus que dans les autres crèmes hydratantes utilisant ce principe actif. C’est ce réservoir qui rend l’action longue durée du Gel Hydratant possible

Ainsi, en une application le soir avant le couché, ACTIVIFIQUE™ est l’assurance que la peau soit nourrie pendant 24 heures, en continue et sans excès

protects your skin from agents that can cause eczema flare-ups

  • CAPTURIFIQUE™ bolster the skins barier role by capturing irritant agents before they can penetrate the skin.
  • Particulièrement efficace pour les peaux atopiques, ou dans le cas de dermatite de contact au Nickel, Chrome ou Cobalt, CAPTURIFIQUE™ vous protège des métaux irritants et de la pollution.

Pack Eczéma/dermatite : renforce les mécanismes de défense de la peau • hydrate & apaise dans la durée

Système Double Action
Eczéma Corps & Visage

Efficacité cliniquement prouvée**

4 personnes sur 5 constatent une nette amélioration de la qualité de leur peau

Durant la journée : Protège & hydrate

Lait Hydratant HP

  • Renforce la fonction barrière de la peau
  • Protège contre les principaux allergènes déclenchant l’eczéma : nickel, pollution…

Pendant la nuit : Hydrate & apaise

Gel Hydratant Plus HS

  • Hydrate et apaise la peau pendant 24 heures, selon ses besoins
  • 2,5x plus hydratant que les produits classiques*




Imaginé et produit en France

Système Double Action
Eczéma Corps & Visage




Imaginé et produit en France

Efficacité cliniquement prouvée**

4 personnes sur 5 constatent une nette amélioration de la qualité de leur peau

Durant la journée : Protège & hydrate

Lait Hydratant HP

  • Renforce la fonction barrière de la peau
  • Protège contre les principaux allergènes déclenchant l’eczéma : nickel, pollution…

Pendant la nuit : Hydrate & apaise

Gel Hydratant Plus HS

  • Hydrate et apaise la peau pendant 24 heures, selon ses besoins
  • 2,5x plus hydratant que les produits classiques*

Produits naturels

Pour Skintifique, avoir des produits efficaces, c’est pouvoir vous aider à vous libérer des contraintes de votre peau irritée. Rien de moins !

Pourquoi choisir Skintifique

Made in

Nos produits ont été imaginés et sont produits en France, avec des ingrédients et des packaging sourcés localement

Produits naturels

Pour Skintifique, avoir des produits efficaces, c’est pouvoir vous aider à vous libérer des contraintes de votre peau sèche ou abimée, de votre allergie … Rien de moins !


Nos experts ont imaginés 2 technologies exclusive protégées par des brevets internationaux, rendant nos produits uniques au monde !

Made in
Nos produits ont été imaginés et sont produits en France, avec des ingrédients et des packaging sourcés localement
Produits naturels
Pour Skintifique, avoir des produits efficaces, c'est pouvoir vous aider à vous libérer des contraintes de votre peau sèche ou abimée, de votre allergie ... Rien de moins !
Nos experts ont imaginés 2 technologies exclusive protégées par des brevets internationaux, rendant nos produits uniques au monde !

Routines disponibles

Une question ? Une remarque ? Vous avez la parole !

Eczema and Hydration

Better understanding

The role of moisturizing when you suffer from eczema or dermatitis

Skin moisturizing is essential. This is even more true when you have eczema and its role is often underestimated.

Why is it so important? Let us tell you everything!

In this article

Eczema & moisturizing

Moisturizing plays a fundamental role in fighting eczema. This type of skincare should be applied daily.

Between flare-ups

Skin affected by eczema/dermatitis is fragile and highly reactive: allergens, irritants, cold… Many external agents can trigger a reaction.

Also, moisturizing your skin daily strengthen its barrier function, with 2 main consequences: 

  • Spacing flare-ups, thus constituting a way to lengthen the periods of remission
  • Reducing the intensity of inflammatory outbreaks

In the case of atopic skin, more permeable than normal skin, and often dry to very dry, hydration is even more essential to compensate for the lack of water and lipids that characterize it.

During a flare up

If corticosteroid-based creams are the treatment preferred by dermatologists during a flare-up, they are usually prescribed in combination with moisturizing and emollient care to:

  • Soothe the sensations of itching
  • Restore the barrier function of the skin to protect it from irritation
  • Fight against its dryness

How to use

The application of a moisturizer must be systematic and daily to increase its impact. The application of highly moisturizing products should be preferred, ideally in the evening after a shower. If you feel the need, there is no contraindication to moisturize your skin several times a day.

Moisturizing plays a fundamental role in fighting eczema. This type of skincare should be applied daily.

Between flare-ups

Skin affected by eczema/dermatitis is fragile and highly reactive: allergens, irritants, cold… Many external agents can trigger a reaction.

Also, moisturizing your skin daily strengthen its barrier function, with 2 main consequences: 

  • Spacing flare-ups, thus constituting a way to lengthen the periods of remission
  • Reducing the intensity of inflammatory outbreaks

In the case of atopic skin, more permeable than normal skin, and often dry to very dry, hydration is even more essential to compensate for the lack of water and lipids that characterize it.

During a flare up

If corticosteroid-based creams are the treatment preferred by dermatologists during a flare-up, they are usually prescribed in combination with moisturizing and emollient care to:

  • Soothe the sensations of itching
  • Restore the barrier function of the skin to protect it from irritation
  • Fight against its dryness

How to use

The application of a moisturizer must be systematic and daily to increase its impact. The application of highly moisturizing products should be preferred, ideally in the evening after a shower. If you feel the need, there is no contraindication to moisturize your skin several times a day.

Skintifique : Another idea for moisturizing

In addition to banning the use of controversial ingredients, Skintifique has decided to rely only on biological mechanisms to ensure perfect skin hydration. Excluding any occlusion process or using petrochemicals, its products guarantee superior hydration aimed exclusively at improving the functioning of the skin thanks to science.

Eczema/Dermatitis Pack: 24H moisturizing

Exclusive patented Skintifique technology, ACTIVIFIQUE™ ensures superior, long-lasting hydration based on 100% natural mechanisms, with 2 main actions: 

  • Acting as a reservoir for active ingredients, ACTIVIFIQUE™ makes possible an exceptional concentration of Vegetable Glycerin: 2 to 6x more than other moisturizing creams using this active ingredient. It is the reservoir that makes the long-lasting action of the Hydrating Gel possible.
  • Above all, ACTIVIFIQUE™ interprets the signals sent by the skin when it is dehydrated or irritated. The release of Vegetable Glycerin is done gradually and only when the skin needs it, increasing the benefits on the treated area and lengthening the duration of its effectiveness.

Eczema Pack: Strengthens the skin’s defense mechanisms • Moisturizes & soothes over time

Dual Action System
Body & Face Eczema

Clinically proven efficiency**

4 out of 5 people see a clear improvement in skin quality

During the day: Protects and moisturizes

Moisturizing Lotion HP

  • Strengthens the barrier function of the skin
  • Protects against the main allergens that trigger eczema : Nickel, pollution, etc.

During the night: Hydrates & soothes

Hydrating Gel Plus HS

  • Moisturizes and soothes the skin for 24 hours, as needed
  • 2.5x more hydrating than conventional products*




Dual Action System
Body & Face Eczema




Clinically proven efficiency**

4 out of 5 people see a clear improvement in skin quality

During the day: Protects and moisturizes

Moisturizing HP

  • Strengthens the barrier function of the skin
  • Protects against the main allergens that trigger eczema : Nickel, pollution…

During the night: Hydrates & soothes

Hydrating Gel Plus HS

  • Moisturizes and soothes the skin for 24 hours, as needed
  • 2.5x more hydrating than conventional products*

Free from unnecessary ingredients

Hydrating Gel Plus HS

Natural ingredients 99%

No nasties · Fragrance-free · Hypoallergenic

Moisturizing Lotion HP

Natural ingredients 79%

No nasties · Fragrance-free · Hypoallergenic

Spectacular results

Why choose Skintifique

Made in

Our products have been imagined and are produced in France, with locally sourced ingredients and packaging.

Natural & effective

For Skintifique, having effective products means being able to help you free yourself from eczema, psoriasis, acne, allergy … Nothing less than that!


Our experts have devised 2 exclusive technologies protected by international patents, making our products unique in the world!

Available bundles

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Effectively counteract the disease with the appropriate treatment, depending on the form of your eczema.

Genetics, contact with allergens… How to reduce symptoms?

Very common because it affects 1 out of 4 infants, we explain how to take care of your baby’s eczema

Effectively counteract the disease with the appropriate treatment, depending on the form of your eczema.

Genetics, contact with allergens… How to reduce symptoms?

Very common because it affects 1 out of 4 infants, we explain how to take care of your baby’s eczema

Questions? Feedbacks? It's your turn to speak!

What is eczema? How to relieve eczema?

Eczema is one of the most common skin conditions among the world’s population. Learn more in this article about eczema. We will try to answer questions you have about this skin pathology. What is eczema? How to relieve eczema?

What is eczema / dermatitis and what are the symptoms of eczema / dermatitis ?

Eczema is a skin disorder characterized by a local inflammatory response. Generally, eczema is associated with allergic responses. Different forms and causes for eczema exist: it can range from a simple and short-term local irritation to frequent and painful skin eruptions which are sometimes incapacitating. Among the different types of eczema, there are atopic dermatitis, contact dermatitis, dyshidrotic eczema (pompholyx), acute vesiculobullous hand eczema…

The symptoms of eczema can be

  • thick red patches
  • thin vesicles
  • scales
  • itching (pruritus)
  • dry skin
  • cracks

This disease generally evolves by flare-ups, interrupted by phases of inactivity.

How to relieve eczema / dermatitis?

Nowadays, there is no existing treatment to cure eczema. However,  treatments are available to relieve its symptoms.

There are different kind of treatments which can be

  • local (antiseptic, topical corticosteroids, silver nitrate, hydrating products)
  • systemic (antihistamines, corticosteroids, ciclosporin and possibly antibiotics in case of secondary infections; retinoids and immunosuppressive drugs can also be prescribed for chronic hand eczema).

Nevertheless, in the long term, medicinal treatments tend to have side effects which limit their use. Thus, other approaches can be considered such as water cures or PUVA or PUVB phototherapies.

Reducing metal-induced contact dermatitis by using a protective skincare (EADV 2015)

Reducing metal-induced contact dermatitis by using a protective skincare (EADV 2015)

This document is a presentation made by Skintifique scientists at the 2015 Congress of the EADV (European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology), which was held in Copenhagen, Denmark, in October 2015. 

The work presented here was conducted with medical doctors and scientists from a number of Medical Schools and Hospitals, and scientists from Skintifque. Some of the data also build on reports and assessments conducted by a number of physicians in private practice. We are grateful to all of them for these contributions.

Important note: the document is presented here in order to help medical professionals and scientists in their professional practice; as any document dedicated to professionals, this document, in its format as well as content, requires high medical and scientific expertise to be analysed and interpreted correctly. Please do not try to draw conclusions from the work presented here if you do not have the appropriate medical and scientific expertise.

How to manage your eczema?

Learning how to manage your eczema everyday is important for the many persons suffering from it. In this article, we will detail the necessary steps to take to manage your eczema: determine the causes of the eczema, and minimize as much as possible the exposure to the triggering factors.

Many people suffer from eczema throughout the world. The prevalence of this skin condition is very important in developed countries, as it affects approximately 20% of the children. This illness most of the time declares itself during childhood (before 5 years old) and can disappear into adulthood. This evolution of the illness explains why its prevalence is lower for adults.

Eczema is very often an allergic reaction faced with a stimulus. These stimuli can be very varied: food, pollen, various products in contact with the body, or a skin infection.

So how can eczema be managed?

The first step to take is to try to determine if possible the causes which will trigger an eczema outbreak. Finding the triggering element(s) can however be a real puzzle, especially as it is today recognized that a genetic predisposition can strongly aggravate the immune response of a person exposed to various aggressions. For many eczematous persons, it is important to learn how to manage your eczema everyday.

I will not talk here about eczema caused by food allergies or airborne factors, which will be the subject of another post, and I will concentrate on environmental factors in contact with the skin.

The first strategy is to try to minimize as much as possible the exposition to exogenous factors which could worsen the eczema. For example, you must try to avoid cleansing your skin with aggressive detergents, and choose softer detergents. You must try to protect your skin as much as possible from the cold, which has a tendency to attack the skin, especially for sensitive persons. The combination of these two recommendations translates into rather using tepid water with a soft soap or detergent to clean your hands.

Ideally, you should avoid scratching, to avoid worsening skin lesions. But it is easier said than done! Especially as the itching can induce night-scratching, without the person being aware of it. It is therefore recommended, for children especially, to cover the hands at night with soft gloves to avoid this night-scratching which can be very harmful for the skin.

I would also advise to avoid as much as possible the sources of dermal exposure to different daily products. For clothes for example. Cotton is often well tolerated by eczematous skins, so wearing 100% cotton clothes is recommended. However, you need to be careful with the colouring agents used to tint the cotton clothes, which can trigger an allergic contact dermatitis. This is the case in particular for blue, green and yellow tints, which often contain metallic ions which are responsible for the majority of allergic contact dermatitis (Cobalt, Chromium, Nickel).

You must choose with particular care surfactants and preservatives used in daily life products, some being more at risk than others. It is important to pay attention to the composition of detergents, and to abundantly rinse clothes when you wash them. I would like to underline the important risk of sensitization to a particular preservative, the MIT or methylisothiazolinone, which is more and more involved in cases of very premature allergies (with children of less than 1 year old).

Finally, for your personal hygiene and skincare, it is preferable to use products with the minimum number of ingredients, and with well known and safe ingredients. This is Skintifique’s strategy so as to offer skincare dermatological products which are as safe and efficient as possible.