
A Story of Innovation and Dedication

Our skin records our first contact with our environment and every moment of love, sharing and emotion.
The skin, our interface with the outside world, needs to be cherished, moisturized and protected, to accompany us on a daily basis and to renew itself.

With this in mind, the Skintifique story begins:

- Moisturize every day with Activifique™ base.
- Obviously protect against external aggressions like metals-allergy (Nickel, CHrome, Cobalt ...) and the pollution with Capturifique™

The synergy of the 2 patents offers you unique routines to support your skin's homeostasis.


Our scientific director

Dr Elisabeth Briand joined Skintifique in 2013; she is in charge of research and product development (R&D).

She has published numerous articles in peered-reviewed journals, co-authored a chapter in a reference book on allergy, and is co-inventor of several technologies.
Before joining Skintifique, Elisabeth led a career as an academic researcher, both in Sweden, at the Applied Physics Department of Chalmers Tekniska Högskola (one of Sweden's leading engineering and technology schools), and in France, at the Faculty of Pharmacy, Paris Sud, as a project manager.

Elisabeth Briand holds an engineering degree from AgroParisTech, a Master's degree in biochemistry from the Université Technologique de Compiègne and a PhD in chemistry from the Université Pierre et Marie Curie.

Our Scientific Director will be happy to answer any questions you may have!

Let's share the beauty of skin!

The skin is much more than just an outer covering. It is a dynamic interface between our body and the outside world, reflecting our health, our emotional state and our efforts to adapt to our environment. Taking care of your skin means taking care of yourself, both physically and psychologically.

At Skintifique, the Scientific Director, the person behind the formulas and patents, can answer questions directly from customers or partners. You can even visit the lab.

My feeling is that you can offer a Skintifique product like you can offer a flower or any other gift. So you offer the possibility of plumped, rebalanced, hydrated, healthy skin that has overcome the stresses that are imposed on it.

Let's share the beauty of skin!

Paul Muller
Président at

Yuka Score

Unique world
wide patents

Scientific director
inside at your service

Short, vegan and
Hypoallergenic formulas

Made in
France products


Nos conseils scientifique

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