Skintifique products are easily available on the web:

Why the web? It is the simplest way to offer you our innovative products that combine efficacy, safety and earth-friendliness, wherever you are and whenever you want. It is also what allows us to focus most of our resources on innovation, rather than on commercialisation through physical retailers, which is extremely costly for a young brand...

So try our products today! You won't regret it, like tens of thousands of happy users in the US and abroad for almost 10 years!

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Why choose


Skintifique helps sensitive, intolerant and allergic skin to free themselves from their constraints thanks to natural formulations and innovative and patented technologies

Made in


Our products have been designed and are produced in France, with locally sourced ingredients and packaging



Our formulations are based on natural ingredients that have proven to be effective and safe for years



Our experts have devised 2 technologies protected by international patents, making our products unique in the world!

Why choose


Skintifique helps sensitive, intolerant and allergic skin to free themselves from their constraints thanks to natural formulations and innovative and patented technologies

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